This kind of question may be happens to all of us, even also me. The only think the reason that make you want to quit. Some people will answer about this question because they are still had their loved ones, their friends, their family, or even money (so realistic or even dunyawi) but sometimes for some people their goals are related to ambitious in material things in this world for them, it was very the logic one.
Before I give my self answer for this question. I thought, we are as human being sometimes did not even realized that we create our pain itself. Ceasing to create pain in the present and dis-solving past pain. The perspective that we create pain itself made me 100% aware that nobody's life is entirely free of pain and sorrow. Eckhart Tolle in his book "The Power of Now" mentioned that : There are two levels to your pain : the pain that you create now, and the pain from the past that still lives on in your mind and body.
I thought sometimes the solution to make it balance that we are as human being have to more focused being present. Focused being present it doesn't mean you are selfish but you are trying to know the boundaries and how to handle your feeling to the others and the most important to the creator of our life. Compassion is the awareness of a deep bound between yourself and all creatures.
So, What keeps me going?
I will answer because of the death.
I've been experience a lot about facing the death in entire of my life. Losing my loved ones a lot in this life made me realize. this life is really short and in the end of the day may be you will had something that make you regret it in the future. I knew very clearly that this feeling was the pain from the past, because since I lost my mother when I was 8 yrs old (but I will talk more about that in another story... hmm well may be). Thinking about that (the death) made me realize every single day that there's no reason for me not to think about my Creators and what is actually my purpose in this life. For me, thinking about that it was doesn't mean I was afraid to facing the death. But... I'm trying every single day to understand all of us, me and you (if you're currently reading this) exactly will facing the death, even we are gonna losing our loved ones or we are gonna leaving our loved ones.
I know pretty sure my answer is heavy ones to talk about. But, this is my realistic answer about what keeps me going in this life. If you read this folks, I hope all of you can find the answer, the best answer in your version and to check over and over again what is the purpose of your life and where is your pain comes from. Life can be rude and hard sometimes, but life has secretly gifted you an unthinkable kindness.
And the last but not least, I love the qoutes from Ibn al-Qayyim that made me less worry and make my heart easier when I read that : Do not carry the worries of this life because this is for Allah. And do not carry the worries of sustenance because it is from Allah. And do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the Hands of Allah. Carry one thing: how to please Allah. Because if you please Him, He pleases you, fulfils you and enriches you.
If you reading here now. May Allah showering all of you with His blessing alwasys, protect you, grant you strength and forever guide you with His light throughout this journey. May you find Him at every corner, every pit-stop, and may His words be a source of comfort and guidance for you when you need them most.
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